Dirty Yellow Glitter Pointer

Monday, June 18, 2012


Yes it's a little and kinda annoying story..

it happened today in critical class

(Aiya I always didn't pay attention in CT class ;p haha damn bored :S)

My friend, Jen Zen want to borrow my eraser

So I borrowed lu.. but then he was not erasing..

He played my eraser by kept rubbing on the table

( actually the table is like the small table in the kkhs auditorium.. small kan?)

The table that he conteng is my table by the way ==

why I said conteng cus my eraser is a bit dirty i guess (actually it's very dirty ! haha)

so when my erase rubbed on the table, it will appear grey lines..

u know what i mean? errmmm.. 有黑印 ? 总之 it's dirty la.. xD

Of course I felt upset.. ( a lit bit la.. not very very upset ;p )

Then i said : "why were you playing my 'ca zhi jiao' hah?" (in chinese)

Then my friend was laughing! Then I was like " what are you laughing at huh?"

*manakala sendiri pun laughing haha.. xD

He replied as " ca zi jiao???"

His expression really looks like this 'O______O' LOLOL

Then I realized what i said wrong..


Then I explained that is sabah mandarin language la~

everyone (maybe just my classmates in 2ndary school) says like that de in kk..

Yea kan pae yii marie drey? it's 'ca zhi jiao' right? i scare i'm the one only says like that haha

Btw today I met two ppl that come from office church..

they brought me to the church to do 洗礼 ( i don't know eng is what)

actually i don't want but they just kept inviting me (they are kindness)

so I go lu since tiada disadvantage to me bah

I was totally wet la haha xD ( I had changed to other pakaian before start)

and ate a bread and wine ( they said it's a promise to god according to passover)

And oh yea one of the ppl who invited me is korean guy!!!! handsome la.. LOL

He can speak chinese and english fluently !!! I was shocked la.. xD

the church have a lot of korean ppl too btw!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

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